Spring is here, full of bird songs and flowers but after a warm beginning the temperatures are now really cold even if most days are sunny. Perfect weather to work in the garden in fact.
And every day i have some lovely visitors:
This funny woodpecker:
I am particularly happy with this picture, it is the first time i can photography a jay, they are so shy!
Hiding in the branches.
If you look carefully, you will see its mate, hidden behind the leaves.I was so happy to photography them together!
I can't resist to share some pictures of flowers with you, they bring me so much joy!
The wisteria, one of the first splendor of spring.
This white rhododendron bush in my mother's garden, white flowers always move me, don't know why.
There is so much beauty and mystery in the heart of a flower.
I hope spring brings you warmth and a renewed energy and i wish you all peaceful and happy moments wherever you are.